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Publish with us

Shaping the future of research and innovation

Let's work together to ensure quality research can accelerate progress for society.

Female worker wearing hard hat

Through our portfolio of over 3,000 trusted scientific journals, our research and citation databases, and our research intelligence tools, we help researchers advance knowledge for the benefit of society. Our products and solutions facilitate collaboration across the research community, provide critical insights, and support complex decisions. Our innovation intelligence solutions help accelerate the impact of applied research, enabling companies to improve outcomes by transforming validated data into scientific insights at every stage of the R&D workflow.

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Driving confidence in research

A platform for action

Elsevier has partnered with leading science organizations and Economist Impact for a global collaboration to understand the impact of the pandemic on confidence in research — and identify areas for action to support researchers.

Learn more about Confidence in Research opens in new tab/window.

Face of a black woman

Harnessing innovation

From machine learning to generative AI, we use the latest technologies to help you find the right information faster, evaluate the paths to R&D success and - with the introduction of platforms such as ScopusAI opens in new tab/window and ScienceDirect AI opens in new tab/window - synthesize the findings of decades of research into clear digestible summaries, in seconds. We do this with an emphasis on responsible and ethical use of technology.

ScienceDirect AI

Helping ensure research is reliable

Peer review — and reviewers — is the bedrock of quality and integrity in science. It validates academic work, helps improve the quality of published research, and increases networking possibilities within research communities. We're building on 140 years of collaboration with the research community to ensure the process is more effective and efficient than ever, with 99.9% of Elsevier published research retained as part of the trusted academic record.

Man sitting facing monitor with headphones

Enabling the exchange of knowledge and ideas

We work to ensure your research can be easily discovered, cited, and shared so that others can continue to build on your findings and accelerate progress for society. Articles published in our journals account for over 17% of global research output and 29% of citations, and we make keyword changes on 35% of submissions for improved discovery.

Find out more about publishing with Elsevier.

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Helping people access quality research

Every researcher has a fundamental right to publish in the way that works for them. We offer you a choice of publishing open access or through the subscription model depending on what is right for you. 

  • Open Access publishing in 3,000 journals

  • 890 Fully gold open access journals

  • 3,600+ institutions benefit from Open Access deals

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Supporting the research ecosystem

Supporting the research ecosystem

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Supporting the research ecosystem


We help R&D companies turn research into applied innovation in a wide range of industries from pharmaceuticals, to nutrition, energy, chemicals and materials and more. Our data science expertise and trusted content help companies ensure business-critical decisions are reliable and actionable, transforming validated data into scientific insights at every stage of the innovation workflow.

Supporting innovation in industry and R+D

Learn more about Innovation Intelligence

For R&D intensive companies who need to ensure that business-critical decisions are based on information that is reliable and actionable.

Elsevier’s Innovation Intelligence helps companies improve outcomes by transforming validated data into scientific insights at every stage of the R&D workflow.

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Innovation Intelligence from Elsevier

Combining data, expertise and insight

We combine subject-matter and data science expertise to illuminate the right evidence, in the right way and at the right time. Our subject-matter expertise means we understand your world and the context in which you’re working. Data science expertise means we know what to do with the evidence base — how to enrich, analyze and use it — giving you the critical perspective you need, when you need it.

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