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Topology Design Methods for Structural Optimization

Book Companion

Topology Design Methods for Structural Optimization

Edition 1

Welcome to the website for Topology Design Methods for Structural Optimization, 1st Edition.

This site includes three software tools which allow the reader to try for themselves the three presented topology optimization methods. Two are standalone programmes and the third requires the use of MATLAB.

The programmes are: (1) TTO, which implements the Growth method for the optimization of truss structures; (2) The MATLAB set of “SERA.m” programs which allow the reader to try different examples using a basic implementation of the SERA method as well as explaining how easy it is to change the code for different structural applications; and (3) liteITD which implements the Isolines/Isosurfaces Topology Design (ITD) algorithm. Chapter 7 within the book presents user guides for all programs together with examples of how to use each program.


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