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Statistics in Medicine

Book Companion

Statistics in Medicine

Edition 4

Welcome to the Companion site for Statistics in Medicine4th Edition.


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Database Tables

A Word from the Authors

On this site, you will find the 17 databases that were printed and/or discussed in the book, along with 20 additional databases used at various places in the book or in our lectures at Emory University School of Medicine, Rady Children's Hospital San Diego, San Diego State University, and UC Irvine. Database descriptions and definitions for the first 17 are given in the book and for the additional 20 are given in PowerPoint slides, also accessible on this website. These databases, in Excel format on this website, can be downloaded and transferred into whatever format is wanted. They may be used to perform the exercises given in the book or to practice using any appropriate statistical methods. The 20 additional databases pose questions that can be used for practice in the PowerPoint descriptions. --Dr. Robert.H. Riffenburgh [email protected] opens in new tab/window

--Dr. Daniel L. Gillen [email protected] opens in new tab/window


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