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Essentials of Medical Biochemistry

Book Companion

Essentials of Medical Biochemistry

Edition 3

Welcome to the website for Essentials of Medical Biochemistry: With Clinical Cases, 3rd Edition.

Essentials of Medical Biochemistry: With Clinical Cases, Third Edition is the most condensed, yet detailed biochemistry overview available on the topic. It presents contemporary coverage of the fundamentals of biochemistry, emphasizing relevant physiologic and pathophysiologic biochemical concepts.

Pivotal clinical case studies aid in understanding basic science concepts in the context of the diagnosis and treatment of human diseases, and the text illustrates key topics in molecular immunology and hemostasis.

Users will learn about fundamental concepts that will aid students and professionals in biochemistry, medicine, and other healthcare disciplines. The text is a useful refresher that will help users meet USMLE and other professional licensing examination requirements, providing thorough introductions, key points, multicolored illustrations of chemical structures and figures, fact-filled tables, and recommended reading lists.

This site provides the following resources:


Downloadable content

PowerPoint slides for each chapter that outline major points and key concepts

Figures and tables from the book

Multiple-choice questions

End of Chapter Questions

This site provides the following resources:

  • PowerPoint slides for each chapter that outline major points and key concepts. Course instructors can use the slides for teaching purposes and students can use the slides as a study guide to quickly grasp what concepts are essential and worth focusing on.

  • All figures and tables from the book are available as PowerPoint slides.

  • Scenario-based and thought-provoking multiple-choice questions and answers can be found at the end of each chapter in the book. Simpler, more concise multiple-choice questions from the second edition of the book are also available on this site.

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