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Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows

Aim & scope

Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows addresses not only the fundamental areas in turbulence modeling, theory, and numerical simulation, but also the latest developments.

The volumes in this series cover a wide range of topics, including:

  • algorithms for numerical simulation of turbulence

  • models for Reynolds averaged and eddy resolving simulation

  • methods of data-driven modelling

  • modal decomposition of data fields

  • environmental turbulence compressible and hypersonic turbulence

This series provides a valuable resource across a range of disciplines in which turbulence plays a significant role. Each volume is edited by prominent researchers, with chapters authored by leading experts. Thereby the volumes provide instructional content, as well as summarizing essential research directions.

For more information about the series or to submit a proposal, please contact the Acquisitions Editor, Sophie Harrison, at

Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows


Within these volumes, non-specialists will find treatments that may help them understand recent developments and broaden their knowledge of turbulent flow. Specialists will find distilled, insightful treatments; professors will find pedagogical material; code developers will learn recent models and methods.

Series Editor

Paul Durbin

Joseph C and Elizabeth A. Anderlik  Professor

Iowa State University, Turbulence Simulation and Modeling Laboratory, Department of Aerospace Engineering,  USA

Computation and Analysis of Turbulent Flows
