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Editorial Board


Jacky Baltes

Director Educational Robotics Center (Electrical Engineering)

National Taiwan Normal University

E-mail Jacky Baltes

Jacky Baltes received the Ph.D. degree in artificial intelligence from the University of Calgary, in 1996. From 1996 to 2002, he worked as a Senior Lecturer with The University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand. From 2002 to 2016, he was a Professor with the Department of Computer Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. He has been working as an Outstanding Professor and the Head of the Educational Robotics Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan, since 2016. His research interests include intelligent robotics, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and computer vision. He has also been a member of the RoboCup Executive Committee, the President of the FIRA Robotic Soccer Association, and the Chair of the HuroCup Competition.