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Plant Biology, Sustainability and Climate Change

Aim & scope

Plant Biology, Sustainability, and Climate Change is being developed to disseminate the scientific understanding, knowledge, and significant innovative findings to researchers, academics, industrialists, policy makers and the public worldwide associated with the plant biology and agricultural plant disciplines. The series will present scientific evidence on the overall plant growth, performance, production, protection and their sustainable utilization around the world.

Plant Biology, Sustainability and Climate Change


Researchers and academics in agriculture, plant science, food security

Publish a book with Elsevier

Series Editor: Azamal Husen and Muhammad Iqbal

Interested in submitting proposal for this series? Contact Nancy Maragioglio [email protected] opens in new tab/window


Azamal Husen


Azamal Husen

Foreign Delegate

Wolaita Sodo University, Wolaita, Ethiopia

Read more about Azamal Husen
Muhammad Iqbal


Muhammad Iqbal


Jamia Hamdard University, New Delhi, India

Read more about Muhammad Iqbal

Series Volumes
