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Image of Tony Rousmaniere


Tony Rousmaniere

Clinical Faculty

University of Washington, WA, USA

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Tony Rousmaniere is Clinical Faculty at the University of Washington and has a private practice in Seattle.

He runs the psychotherapy training website www.dpfortherapists.comopens in new tab/window and provides workshops, webinars, and advanced clinical training and supervision to clinicians around the world. Dr. Rousmaniere is the author/co-editor of the forthcoming book series “The Essentials of Deliberate Practice” (APA Press) and four books on psychotherapy training: Deliberate Practice for PsychotherapistsThe Cycle of Excellence: Using Deliberate Practice to Improve Supervision and TrainingMastering the Inner Skills of Psychotherapy: A Deliberate Practice Handbook, and Using Technology to Enhance Counseling Training and Supervision: A Practical Handbook. In 2017 he published the widely-cited article in The Atlantic Monthly, “What your therapist doesn’t know. Dr. Rousmaniere supports the open-data movement and publishes his aggregated clinical outcome data, in de-identified form, on his website at www.drtonyr.comopens in new tab/window.  A Fellow of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Rousmaniere was awarded the Early Career Award by the Society for the Advancement of Psychotherapy (APA Division 29).  He was previously Associate Director of Counseling and Director of Training at the University of Alaska Fairbanks Student Health and Counseling Association. More about Dr. Rousmaniere can be found at www.drtonyr.comopens in new tab/window To learn more about Deliberate Practice and see video examples, visit www.sentio.orgopens in new tab/window.