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Animal Behavior covers the broad sweep of animal behavior from its neurological underpinnings to the importance of behavior in conservation. The authors, Michael D. Breed and Janic… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Animal Behavior covers the broad sweep of animal behavior from its neurological underpinnings to the importance of behavior in conservation. The authors, Michael D. Breed and Janice Moore, bring almost 60 years of combined experience as university professors to this textbook, much of that teaching animal behavior.
An entire chapter is devoted to the vibrant new field of behavior and conservation, including topics such as social behavior and the relationship between parasites, pathogens, and behavior. Thoughtful coverage has also been given to foraging behavior, mating and parenting behavior, anti-predator behavior and learning.
This text addresses the physiological foundations of behavior in a way that is both accessible and inviting. Each chapter begins with learning objectives and concludes with thought-provoking questions. Additionally, special terms and definitions are highlighted throughout.
The book provides a rich resource for students (and professors) from a wide range of life science disciplines.
Intermediate and advanced undergraduate students in animal behavior courses
Chapter 1. Of Cockroaches and Wolves: Framing Animal Behavior
1.1 Introduction: Animal Behavior
1.2 Wolves: Lessons in Social Behavior
1.3 Cockroaches: Models for Animal Behavior
1.4 The Four Questions Revisited
1.5 Evolution: A Review
1.6 The Study of Animal Behavior: Where did it Come From?
1.7 Umwelt: The World in Which Animals Behave
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 2. Neurobiology and Endocrinology for Animal Behaviorists
2.1 Neurobiology, Endocrinology, and Sensory Systems: An Overview
2.2 What Does an Animal Behaviorist Need to Know about Neurobiology?
2.3 What Does an Animal Behaviorist Need to Know about Endocrinology?
2.4 What Does an Animal Behaviorist Need to Know about Sensory Systems?
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 3. Behavioral Genetics
3.1 Introduction: Principles of Behavioral Genetics and the Evolution of Behavior
3.2 The Nature versus Nurture Debate
3.3 Evolution and Behavior
3.4 The Behavioral Genetics Toolbox
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Further Reading
Chapter 4. Homeostasis and Time Budgets
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Behavior and Homeostasis
4.3 Biological Clocks and Circadian Rhythms
4.4 Modern Concepts of Homeostatic Regulation
4.5 Time Budgets and Trade-Offs: Balancing Demands in How Animals Budget Their Time
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Further Reading
Chapter 5. Learning
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Learning and Memory
5.3 Basic Models for Learning
5.4 Social Learning: Traditions and “Cultural” Transmission of Information in Animals
5.5 Play, Learning, and Development
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Further Reading
Chapter 6. Cognition
6.1 Introduction: What Is Cognition?
6.2 The Concept of Self
6.3 Thought, Foresight, and Problem Solving
6.4 Intelligence and Social Cognition
6.5 Personality and Behavioral Syndromes
6.6 The Frontal Lobe and Impulse Control
6.7 Animal Emotions
6.8 Are Cognitive Abilities Under- or Over-Attributed to Animals?
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 7. Communication
7.1 Introduction: Communication Theory
7.2 The Evolution of Communication
7.3 Modes of Communication
7.4 Multimodal Signaling and Encoding Complex Messages
7.5 Runaway Sexual Selection and Signaling
7.6 Deceit versus Honest Signaling
7.7 Game Theory and Communication
7.8 Interspecific Signaling
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Chapter 8. Movement: Search, Navigation, Migration, and Dispersal
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Sources of Navigational Information
8.3 Sensing the Environment in Time and Space
8.4 How to Respond to Sensory Information: A Toolbox for Finding the Way
8.5 Search
8.6 Homing
8.7 Migration
8.8 Dispersal
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Chapter 9. Foraging
9.1 Introduction
9.2 Diet Choice and Food Selection
9.3 How Animals Get Food
9.4 Willing Food
9.5 Manipulation of Prey
9.6 Parasitic Life Cycles
9.7 Foraging and Optimality Theory
9.8 Optimal Patch Choice
9.9 Optimal Prey Choice
9.10 Nutritional Constraints
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Chapter 10. Self-Defense
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Cryptic Behavior: Camouflage
10.3 Vigilance and Alarm
10.4 Mimicry and Diversion
10.5 Evasion
10.6 Predator Deterrence and Fighting Back
10.7 Pathogen Avoidance/Deterrence and Sickness Behavior
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 11. Mating Systems
11.1 Introduction
11.2 The Evolution of Sex: Why Some Animals Are Called Male and Others Female
11.3 Sexual Selection
11.4 Variance in Mating Success
11.5 Mate Choice
11.6 Mating Systems: How Many Males, How Many Females?
11.7 Hormones and Sexual Behavior
11.8 Hormones, Territoriality, and Aggression
11.9 Sperm Competition
11.10 Good Genes Models for Choosing a Mate
11.11 Forced Copulations
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Chapter 12. Nesting, Parenting, and Territoriality
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Nests and Nesting
12.3 Parental Investment
12.4 Patterns of Parental Care
12.5 Hormones and Parental Behavior
12.6 Parenting and Conflicts of Interest
12.7 Begging and Weaning Conflict
12.8 Sibling Conflict
12.9 Infanticide
12.10 Aggression and Territoriality
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 13. Social Behavior, Cooperation, and Kinship
13.1 Introduction
13.2 Altruism or Selfish Interests?
13.3 Schools, Flocks, Hordes, and Herds
13.4 Explaining Cooperation
13.5 Extreme Cooperation: Eusociality
13.6 Lack of Ecological Choice in Aid-Giving Decisions
13.7 Social Recognition, Kin Recognition, and Cooperation with Close Relatives
13.8 Social Symbioses
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 14. Comparative Social Behavior
14.1 Introduction
14.2 Vertebrate Social Systems
14.3 Invertebrate Eusociality: Workers and the Division of Labor
14.4 Invertebrate Eusociality: Queens and Reproduction
“Willing” Workers
14.5 Invertebrate Eusociality: Colony Defense
14.6 Eusocial Invertebrates
Study Questions
Further Reading
Chapter 15. Conservation and Behavior
15.1 Introduction: Conservation and the Future of Animal Behavior
15.2 Species Protection in Natural Habitats
15.3 Extinctions and Behavior
15.4 Reserve Design
15.5 Captive Breeding Programs and Reintroductions
15.6 The Human–Wildlife Interface in the Suburbs
Summary: The Future and Conservation Behavior
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Further Reading