Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science
Aim & scope
Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science (PMBTS) provides in-depth reviews on topics of exceptional scientific importance. If today you read an Article or Letter in Nature or a Research Article or Report in Science reporting findings of exceptional importance, you likely will find comprehensive coverage of that research area in a future PMBTS volume. Each volume is edited by an internationally recognized expert who selects contributors at the forefront of a field. Because PMBTS publishes 8 volumes each year, the serial covers a broad range of topics on a timely basis.
Whether you already are an expert in a field and want to keep up on the latest advances, or you are new to an area and want to quickly get up to speed, PMBTS will help you achieve your goal.
About the Editor: David B. Teplow Ph.D., Professor Emeritus, Department of Neurology, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, USA Vijai Singh, Department of Biosciences, School of Science, Indrashil University, Rajpur, Mehsana, Indi
Impact Factor 2017: 3.074 (Copyright ISI Journal Citation Report)
To view individual chapters for Progress in Molecular Biology and Translational Science, please visit ScienceDirect opens in new tab/window.
For information on contributing to this series, please contact the Editor David Teplow at [email protected] opens in new tab/window.
Second Serial Editor: Vijai Singh
Series Volumes