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Elsevier named a “Best Place to Work for Working Daughters” (and sons)

My Mom is the Queen of England. At dinner one night, she announced to her fellow residents that as their Queen, she needed to lead them to safety before the enemy advanced. In case you were wondering, my mom isn’t the Queen of England — although she is the queen of my heart. She lives with Alzheimer’s disease. When we first received her diagnosis in 2015, I was prepared for memory loss, but I was ignorant of the changes in behavior, mood swings and delirium, which has resulted in frequent trips to the hospital to address the psych issues.

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Collage of Elsevier employees with Working Daughter Award badge

“I worried that being a Chinese woman would cause people to stereotype me. Then I realized that letting go of that worry was the first thing I could do to challenge the stereotyping.”

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Lingni Priestley is a Director of Product Management for Elsevier's ScienceDirect team.


Lingni Priestley

Director of Product Management, ScienceDirect at Elsevier