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A valuable insight into how to maintain calm and manage stress

July 29, 2020

By Claudio Colaiacomo, Christopher Tancock

Podcast - keeping mindful during difficult times


© Welcome to a new series on Authors' Update. In these podcasts, we'll be examining issues and discussing phenomena that relate to the author community as well as trying to answer some of your frequently-asked questions. If you have any ideas for further casts, do get in touch via the comments below. And don't forget to subscribe!

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The life of a researcher is always a busy one but especially during times like these, when there are all too many pressures, distractions and stresses, it’s incredibly important that we do our best to keep both our bodies and our minds healthy. In this episode, we are joined by certified Mindfulness coach Claudio Colaiacomo who takes us through a taster Mindfulness session. So get comfortable, relax and see how easy (and effective) it is to take some time out for yourself and treat your mind to a bit of very welcome "TLC".

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Authors' Update - keeping journal authors in touch with industry developments, support and training