Authors' Update - keeping journal authors in touch with industry developments, support and training

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March 24, 2020
By Christopher Tancock, Kay Tancock
Strategies on organization, workspace arrangement and negotiating care responsibilities
When homeworking, one sometimes has to be creative... Even a child's toy can prove a valuable resource when figuring out where to set up the microphone! Welcome to a brand new series on Authors' Update. In these podcasts, we'll be examining issues and discussing phenomena that relate to the author community as well as trying to answer some of your frequently-asked questions. We're beginning the series during a time of global uncertainty so our first topic is a little different, but we hope that you will find the content useful. If you have any ideas for further casts, do get in touch via the comments below. And don't forget to subscribe!
Sign up to Authors' Update alerts Due to the current pandemic, many of us are having to work at home. Unable to access the office, lab or library, and having to juggle multiple conflicting priorities – often including childcare and responsibility for other family members – it is increasingly difficult to continue working as normal. In this episode, we look at some strategies for successful homeworking including how to organize your day, set up your workspace and negotiate with other family members.