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Tony Hu


Ye (Tony) Hu

Tulane University, USA

Dr. Tony Hu is a Professor at Tulane University, holding the Weatherhead Presidential Chair in Biotechnology Innovation and directing the Center for Intelligent Molecular Diagnostics. A fellow of NAI, AIMBE, and IAMBE, his research integrates engineered multi-omics, nanomedicine, and AI-driven biosensor design for biomarker discovery and assay development. With 160+ publications and 25 patents (14 licensed), his work is funded by NIH, DOD, WHO, and Gates Foundation. He has trained 82 fellows from 21 countries and co-founded four biotech startups: Intelligenome, PrimExo Biotech, ASTRA Lifescience, and NanoPin Technologies, advancing molecular diagnostics for infectious and malignant diseases.