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Youqing Shen


Youqing Shen

Talk Title: Multipotent polymer-enabled tumor active extravasation and penetration

Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Youqing Shen is a National Changjiang Scholar Chairs Professor of Zhejiang University, China. He serves as executive editors for ACS’s Chem&Bio Engineering and Elsevier’s Advanced Drug Delivery Review. His research focuses on polymers for drug and gene delivery. He has (co)authored over 600 peer-reviewed papers and has three nanomedicines currently in Phases I/II clinical trials in the US and China, one of which was approved by FDA as Orphan Drugs for small-cell lung cancer and pancreatic cancer. He has received many awards, including the National Natural Science Award (2023) and is listed in Clarivate Analytics’ Highly Cited Researchers 2024. opens in new tab/window