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Clinical Cases

Meet our editorial board of academic and clinical experts from across Australia and New Zealand.

Abby Harwood (Editor in Chief) FRACGP-RG, MPH, GradCertOHSMgt, DRANZCOG, DCH, MBBS(UWA) Rural Generalist, Inpatient/Emergency Telehealth Services, Command Centre, WA Country Health Service Medical Educator, Remote Vocational Training Scheme Member, Rural Council, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Non-executive Board Member, Remote Vocational Training Scheme Ltd. Board of Governance Casual Medical Educator/Facilitator, Royal Australian College of General Practitioners Casual Medical Educator, Curtin University

Ben Taylor (Editor in Chief) MBChB, FACEM, MClinEd, CHSE Senior Emergency Physician, Liverpool and Northern Beaches Hospital Associate Professor and Director of Simulation, School of Clinical Medicine, University of New South Wales

Rebekah Ahmed MBBS (hons, university Medal) FRACP PhD Staff Specialist Neurologist, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Sydney Clinical Associate Professor, Sydney Medical School, The University of Sydney

Ngaree Blow MD, MPH, DCH, BSc Senior Lecturer, University of Melbourne

Alison Brand AM MD MMEd FRCSC FRANZCOG CGO Director, Gynaecological Oncology, Westmead Hospital, Sydney Clinical Professor, University of Sydney

Bernard Champion BEc (Actuarial) BScMed MBBS Hon 1 (UNSW) FRACP (Endocrinology) MMedEd Clinical Associate Professor, MQ Health Endocrinology, Macquarie University

Sandra Hotu

Vincent Lam MBBS, MS, FRACS, FACS Consultant Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgeon, Westmead Hospital and Macquarie University Hospital Head of Acute Surgical Unit and Director of Intestinal Failure Unit, Westmead Hospital Professor of Surgery, Macquarie University Honorary Clinical Associate Professor, University of Sydney

Janani Mahadeva BSc Adv (Hons I) MBBS DCH FRACGP General Practitioner, MQ Health General Practice, Sydney Conjoint Senior Lecturer, Macquarie University

David Menkes MD PhD FRANZCP Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Auckland, New Zealand

Michelle Schlipalius FRANZCOG, MBBS (Hons), MClinEd, GradCertClinSim, GradCertHlthProfEd Consultant Obstetrician, Monash Health Senior Lecturer, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Monash University

Kate Stotskaia BMBS, BMedSc, DCH, GradCertClinEd, FRAGP Senior Clinical Lecturer, Deakin University