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Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust has adopted Elsevier’s Care Planning solution. Learn more from CNIO James Bird’s experience on Care Planning which assures seamless integration with a well-established implementation and adoption methodology below.
In November 2020, Elsevier’s clinical decision support (CDS) solution, Care Planning, was integrated at Imperial College Hospital NHS Trust. A total of 247 evidence-based, patient-centred care plans were made available to 4000 nurses, across 5 sites, directly via the electronic patient record (EPR).
Rapid integration was achieved through the collaborative efforts of Elsevier and the Imperial clinical informatics teams, supported by a strategic end-user education and go-live plan. The upload of all care plans into the EPR was achieved in just a two-day period.
“Each day, our clinicians make decisions, large and small, that determine a patient’s experience, the safety and consistency of care, and the operational efficiency with which our organisation operates.”
James Bird
Chief Nurse Information Officer (CNIO) at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust
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“Reinforcing evidence-based practice is essential in reducing variation and as health needs become more complex, technology must play a role in supporting our clinicians, delivering the right information to them, at the right time.
In my experience, clinical decision support solutions that work best from a clinical perspective, are those that fit inside the clinicians’ workflow, with clinicians themselves a key part of the design process. They must not result in extra work but look to address unconscious bias and encourage critical thinking within the care team. Once change in practice happens, value will be acknowledged, and adoption amongst clinicians ultimately secured.”
Partnering with third-party healthcare digital clinical solution providers are a vital element of this process, bringing high-level benefits that help organisations navigate increasingly challenging clinical environments.
“From an informatics perspective, the ability to implement within pre-existing IT systems is essential. We want to be able to update a guideline in one part of the EHR and see that change propagated throughout the system. Interoperability is key and unlocks the potential for digital health.”
An effective care plan can support the nursing workforce in acknowledging and improving productivity barriers by offering guidance and clarity. This enables clinicians to draw from a single body of evidence, reducing variation and positively influencing productivity.
Care plans support effective allocation of nursing resource – a vital way to improve patient outcomes and improve the care experience for all.
This collaboration shows that the merging of technology with evidence-based content ultimately leads to empirical, clinical decision support tools that help clinicians provide individualized patient-centred care.