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Scopus Academy

Participate in our self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students.

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Welcome to Scopus Academy!

Learn how to confidently leverage Scopus to progress your research and educational goals. Upon successfully completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Quickly find relevant and authoritative research and stay up to date in your field of study

  • Identify and assess reviewers, potential collaborators or experts across disciplines

  • Use and interpret the most relevant metrics to help you evaluate content and advance your career

How to enroll

1. Scroll down and click the 'Join the course' button to enroll in a module All course materials and assignments, including video tutorials, discussion forums and assessments are hosted on our trusted partner, Canvas learning platform. To get started, scroll down and click the 'Join the course' button to register on Canvas. You will receive a “Welcome to Catalog” email from, Canvas' parent company. 

Watch the video for detailed instructions opens in new tab/window

Scopus Academy: Participate in our-self-paced, online introductory Scopus training designed for researchers and students

2. Read and watch the provided content The Scopus Academy program consists of 4 modules: Basic Search, Advanced Search, Metrics, and Research Collaborations. The course is self-paced, allowing you to complete modules in any order you prefer. To get the most value out of Scopus, we recommend completing all four modules.

3. Complete a short quiz to test your understanding To obtain your certificate, complete the quiz consisting of 5 questions at the end of a module with a minimum score of 80% (4 out of 5 correct). You can retake the quiz multiple times and access correct answers and relevant tutorials after each incorrect response.

4. Get your certification Download your certificate of completion and badges to share on LinkedIn and email.


When it comes to finding the right journal – there is a lot to consider. In this course, we will be looking at how journal metrics can help you identify suitable journals for submission. Learn both the documents and journal metrics and how to make use of them during your research.

Approximate time to complete – 10-15 minutes.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Create a citation overview

  • View journal metrics, including the CiteScore metric, for titles in Scopus

  • Compare sources

This is an editorial illustration. In the middle of it sits a big orange magnifying glass with a symbolic light bulb in the middle. Circling the magnifying glass are 7 dashboards with research metrics and charts.

Research collaborations

Collaborations in research come in many forms, including co-authorship, research network building, joint research, and research partnerships. Early career researchers, in particular, stand to gain a lot from collaborations. Gain key skills for research collaborations by finding key authors in a field as well as potential affiliations.

Approximate time to complete – 10-15 minutes.

Upon completion of this module, you will be able to:

  • Perform author searches and find documents associated with an author

  • Assess an author's impact and monitor activity associated with their documents

  • Identify experts & potential collaborators in a topical area

  • Search for an affiliation in Scopus and assess an institution relative to its peers

This is an editorial illustration with dark blue background. Four small brown boats meet in the middle of the image. On top of the boats are four researchers. Two researchers shake their hands which symbolizes research collaboration.

Questions and support

Please contact [email protected] opens in new tab/window or Scopus Support Center opens in new tab/window with any questions you have about Scopus Academy or Scopus.