Dr. José Enrique Alfonso Manzanet. National Center for Medical Sciences Information, Cuba
9 August 2022
Describe your role within your organization.
Head of the Department of Medical Journals at the National Center for Medical Sciences Information. The objective is, and will always be, to ensure that the quality of the articles published by our specialists in our journals is the best and that through them, positioning them in the best places, Cuban science is increasingly recognized Worldwide.
What are your key challenges in accessing evidence-based information in your daily role?
To obtain adequate information literacy through the establishment of policies and to carry out an adequate training strategy. Get good technological support.
From your perspective, what are the main benefits of using ClinicalKey?
Quality scientific information, is updated, guaranteed, and with a stable platform. It is aimed at both residents and professionals, as well as students. In the case of our environment, in addition, with abundant content in Spanish, makes it more affordable to most professionals.
Do you think CLinicalKey improved your ability to improve clinical decision-making? How and in which area?
Definitively yes. The possibility of having quality scientific and actualized information is an inestimable resource for specialists, residents, and students. Its internet and mobile interfaces guarantee safe and quick access for the specialist whenever he needs to evidence through the available resources. This has meant we can make it useable in the medical decision-making process.
Please tell us about anything you now do differently as a result of using ClinicalKey, to benefit of yourself and the patient
The protocols for the management of the patient with stomach and small intestine diseases that I currently use were obtained through a Medicine journal in Spanish which is the most actualized currently in use. This journal is a unity of clinical and therapeutic actualization and constitutes a true asset for the physician.
Step forward: ClinicalKey - Dr. José Enrique Alfonso Manzanet. National Center for Medical Sciences Information (Cuba)
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