Are you tracking your institutional research effectively?
Find out how other institutions utilise technology to nurture a culture of data sharing, in our latest whitepaper.
Tracking Research Data
The introduction of technology for the research sector has led to novel and increasingly flexible research methodologies and tools, to the point where now you’ll find digital devices utilized in almost all research activities.
As research grew, data sets grew but weren't always accompanied by good data management. The amount of research data lost or misplaced over time is too vast to be estimated and now, due to a growing range of drivers and initiatives such as research funders, good data management is becoming an emerging priority for institutions. But that process doesn’t happen overnight, so how can your institution nurture research data tracking?
Tracking institutional research data: How universities can nurture a culture of data sharing
Download the white paper opens in new tab/windowUse cases for research tracking
Use cases to support research data management and sharing in your institution are a vital step in securing buy in and funding, helping to make a business case to justify the investment. Those use cases may include the identification of pockets of excellence in data management and sharing, to the publication of institutionally affiliated research data via a public portal.
Discover more use cases in the whitepaper now opens in new tab/window
Your 10-step plan to begin tracking your institutional research data
Step 1. Review your current support for open science practices
As a starting point, consider where your institution stands with regard to open research - including policies, practices and behaviors. This will help frame any discussions around (open) data management and sharing and its subsequent tracking.