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2025 BBA cover image competition

The BBA journals are seeking striking and artistically impressive scientific images to use on each of the BBA journal covers for the 2025 calendar year. We are inviting researchers from within the community that the BBA journals serve (encompassing biochemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, cell biology, genomics, bioinformatics, metabolomics, proteomics, and systems biology) to contribute an image for consideration.

Submission deadline: 1 October 2024

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Participants who wish to have their image considered for inclusion on one of the BBA journal’s covers should submit to the address below, taking the following requirements into account:

  • The submitted image must be a tif or jpg file of at least 300 dpi resolution, no less than 150 mm square, and must be previously unpublished.

  • The participant must have the right to use the image and allow us a non-exclusive right to include it on the cover.

  • Participants must also include a title for the image, a brief description of the image (max. 255 characters, approx. 40 words) and a short overview of the methods and instrument used to capture the image.

The closing date to be considered for inclusion on a BBA journal cover is October 1, 2024.

The Scientific Editors and Executive Editors of each journal will assess the suitability of the images and choose one image to appear on each journal cover. Preference will be given to images submitted by authors or referees who have published or reviewed in the BBA journals since 2021.

If your image is selected to be used on the cover of one of the BBA journals, it will appear on all printed and online material showing the cover for the 2025 calendar year. We will publish a short editorial in the journal showcasing the image and will also provide a high-resolution copy of the cover image and a printed copy to the recipient.

To submit your entry, please fill in the details below, attaching your image, and send it to [email protected]opens in new tab/window with the header “BBA Cover Image Competition 2025.”

  • Name

  • Address and institution

  • Email

  • Journal you would like to have your image considered for

  • A title and brief description of image and method used to produce the image

  • Evidence of a paper published or reviewed in a BBA journal: a link to a published article or a reference to the article ID of a paper reviewed

  • Confirmation that you over 21 and have read the T&Cs hereopens in new tab/window