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Publish with Elsevier’s Health Studies Journals


Social Science & Medicine

Social Science & Medicine publishes material relevant to any aspect of health from a wide range of social science disciplines (anthropology, economics, epidemiology, geography, policy, psychology, and sociology), and material relevant to the social sciences from any of the professions concerned with physical and mental health, health care, clinical practice, and health policy and organization.

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Health & Place

Health and Place publishes interdisciplinary research on all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters.

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SSM – Population Health

SSM - Population Health publishes in all areas relating Social Science research to population health. The journal shares the same Editors-in Chief and general approach to manuscripts as its sister journal, Social Science & Medicine and takes a broad approach to the field especially welcoming interdisciplinary papers from across the Social Sciences and allied areas.

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SSM - Qualitative Research in Health

SSM - Qualitative Research in Health is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that publishes international and interdisciplinary qualitative research, methodological, and theoretical contributions related to medical care, illness, disease, health, and wellbeing from across the globe.

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SSM – Mental Health

SSM - Mental Health provides an international and interdisciplinary forum for the dissemination of social science research on mental health and behavioral health.

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Wellbeing, Space & Society

Wellbeing, Space & Society is an interdisciplinary journal concerned with the role that space and place play in shaping wellbeing across the range of spatial scales from the local to the global.

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Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology

Spatial and Spatio-temporal Epidemiology publishes high quality work which straddles the areas of GIS, epidemiology, exposure science, and spatial statistics. The journal focuses on answering epidemiological questions where spatial and spatio-temporal approaches are appropriate.

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Women's Health Issues

Women's Health Issues publishes research related to women's health care and policy. As the official journal of the Jacobs Institute of Women's Health, it is dedicated to improving the health and health care of all women throughout the lifespan and in diverse communities.

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Health Policy

Health Policy publishes short, full-length, comparative and review articles (as well as groups of articles in "special sections") which address health policy and health system issues and is aimed in particular at enhancing communication between health policy and system researchers, legislators, decision-makers and professionals.

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Health Policy OPEN

Health Policy OPEN complements Health Policy. It shares Health Policy's objective to "be a vehicle for the exploration and discussion of health policy and health system issues and is aimed in particular at enhancing communication between health policy and system researchers, legislators, decision-makers and professional concerned with developing, implementing, and analysing health policy, health systems and health care reforms."

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