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Advances in Reliability Science

Aim & scope

Advances in Reliability Science covers traditional topics in reliability engineering (degradation models, dynamic network and product reliability, maintenance and reliability statistics) as well as important emerging topics such as multi-state systems reliability and reliability decision-making. All of these areas have developed considerably in recent years, with the rate of reliability research output climbing steeply. Books in this series showcase the latest original research and development in reliability engineering science from industry and academia, while exploring innovative research ideas for researchers considering new projects and exploring the real-world utility of these concepts for practitioners.

Interested in submitting a proposal for this series? Contact Sophie Harrison at opens in new tab/window, or Prof. Mangey Ram at opens in new tab/window

Advances in Reliability Science book cover


This series is intended for academics, researchers, industrialists, students, etc.

Series Editor

Mangey Ram


Mangey Ram

Graphic Era Deemed to be University, India.

Read more about Mangey Ram

Advances in Reliability Science
