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Smart Cities

Aim & scope

Launched in 2017, this book series publishes a collection of insights into the diverse constitution of smart cities. In collecting these insights, the series publishes research, which is methodical in improving both the theory and practice of smart cities and that is also capable of transferring the knowledge acquired to scholars, policymakers and practitioners alike.

The collection of insights the book series proposes to publish shall include, but not be limited to, the following:

  • Theoretical underpinnings and supporting methodological approaches

  • Digital transformation of urban ecosystems

  • Human, institutional, and machine driven-intelligence in smart cities

  • Data, analytics, and city performance monitoring and assessment

  • Big data and crowdsourcing

  • Urban informatics

  • Smart city structure, ontology, and architectures

  • Smart city applications and e-services

  • Digital platforms, cloud computing, and IoT solutions for smart cities

  • Sustainable social, environmental, and economic developments based on smart systems

  • Resilience, climate change adaptation, carbon-neutral smart cities

  • Local smart-grids

  • Energy optimization and net-zero energy districts

  • Water security, waste management, circular cities

  • Intelligent transport systems

  • Mobility-as-a-Service and green mobility in smart cities

  • Food and urban agriculture smart systems

  • Smart health and online education services

  • Planning and design of user-centric services

  • Smart city projects and planning

  • Governance of global challenges, changing securities and inequalities

  • Future prospects, implications and impacts

Sample book cover of Smart Cities

Championing interdisciplinary perspectives

Championing interdisciplinary perspectives, the book series calls for theoretically informed and practically oriented contributions. In this way the series shall offer the opportunity for readers to understand smart cities as a holistic compilation of theoretical expansions, practice reviews, and future directions that shall offer the type of insights which scholars, policymakers and practitioners need in order to know how resilient smart cities are in securing the resources needed to sustain urban development in the 21st century.

Publishing original research

The book series publishes original research on the following topics: smart cities; smart communities; smart buildings; smart infrastructures, smart streets, smart precincts; smart districts; smart services; smart climate; smart living; smart mobility; smart environment; smart economy; smart governance; smart specialisation; smart urban technologies; smart health; smart education; cloud computing; internet-of-things; big data; IoT; new science of cities; urban informatics; data analytics; digital cities; creative cities; intelligent cities; intelligent environments; innovation; social innovation; user-driven innovation; cyber-physical systems of innovation; sustainability; sustainable urban development; zero carbon settlements; climate neutral developments.

The book series also publishes original research on the current transformation of cities, metropolitan regions, and rural communities that is driven by the twin digital and green transition. The digital transition introduces innovations and new models to all city ecosystems by applying technologies such as automation, robotisation, sensor networks, IoT, cloud computing, data analytics, and AI. The green transition is driven by sustainability and adaptation to climate change goals and brings about fundamental changes in energy, transport, industry, housing, city infrastructure and form, introducing different types of innovations such as radical technical innovation (electric vehicles, decarbonisation, renewable energy), grassroots and social innovation (crowdsourcing, car sharing, bike clubs), and business model innovation (MaaS, platformization). Books in these fields may not bring the label “smart”, but nevertheless, address the same drivers of 21st-century cities and planning change and disruption, investigating how different types of intelligence in cities produce innovations for the twin digital and green transition.


Primary: Academics of relevant fields including civil/transport/environmental engineering/information and computer sciences, built environment, urban planning and real estate development studies, social sciences, arts and humanities/cultural studies.

Secondary: Urban administrators, such as policymakers, engineers and spatial managers, which take critical decisions that affect cities. This includes the third sector that investigate externalities of inadequate development practices on communities and which pressure government agencies to take necessary actions.

Some volumes might also be suitable for adoption as textbooks by undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the study areas of civil/transport/environmental engineering, computing courses, as well as those relating to architecture, real estate development, urban planning, and construction of smart cities and communities.

Series Editors

Image of Tan Yigitcanlar


Tan Yigitcanlar

Professor of Urban Studies and Planning

Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia

Read more about Tan Yigitcanlar
Image of Nicos Komninos


Nicos Komninos

Professor Emeritus

Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece

Read more about Nicos Komninos
Image of Mark Deakin


Mark Deakin

Professor of Built Environment

Edinburgh Napier University, Edinburgh, Scotland

Read more about Mark Deakin

Smart Cities
