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Woodhead Publishing Reviews: Mechanical Engineering

Aim & scope

This book series examines current practises and future developments in research and industry in mechanical engineering from a number of perspectives, including (but not limited): subtractive and additive manufacturing; tribology and surface engineering; materials and manufacturing processes; solid mechanics and structural mechanics; computational mechanics and optimisation; mechatronics and robotics; fluid mechanics and heat transfer; renewable energies; biomechanics; micro- and nano-mechanics. In addition, this book series covers management, sustainability and artificial intelligence aspects related mechanical engineering.

Machine Intelligence in Mechanical Engineering cover


This book series can serve as a useful reference for academics, managers, researchers; manufacturing, materials, mechanical, industrial, systems, environmental and physics engineers; professionals in mechanical engineering and related industries.

Publish a book with Elsevier

Interested in submitting a proposal for this series? Contact Sophie Harrison at opens in new tab/window, or Prof. J. Paulo Davim at opens in new tab/window

Series Editors

Prof J. Paulo Davim


Prof. J. Paulo Davim


University of Aveiro, Dep. of Mechanical Engineering

Read more about Prof. J. Paulo Davim

Woodhead Publishing Mechanical Engineering
