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Conference speaker

Xi Zhang


Xi Zhang


Tsinghua University, China

Talk: On depolymerization Xi Zhang is a professor from the Department of Chemistry, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. He received Ph.D degree in Polymer Chemistry and Physics at Jilin University under the supervision of Prof. Jiacong Shen and Prof. Helmut Ringsdorf (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz, Germany).

He joined the Department of Chemistry at Jilin University as a lecturer in late 1992 and was then promoted to be a professor in 1994. He moved to Tsinghua University in 2003. Currently, he serves the President of Jilin University; Director of Polymer Division, Chinese Chemical Society(CCS). He was selected as a Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences (2007), RSC Fellow (2008), ACS Fellow (2016), CCS Fellow (2020). His scientific interests are in the areas at the cutting edge of supramolecular chemistry and polymer chemistry, including supramolecular polymers, supramolecular chemotherapy, and supramolecular catalysis.