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Sweden as a science nation

Strategies for global leadership in research and innovation.

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Sweden as a Science Nation: Strategies for Global Leadership in Research and Innovation seminar, will take place on the 13th of March from 14.00 to 17.00, at the World Trade Centre Stockholm (Klarabergsviadukten 70, 111 64 Stockholm).

Drawing on insights from Elsevier’s upcoming report, Sweden as a Science Nation, this seminar in collaboration with STINT will present data-driven findings to inspire a discussion on strategies that leverage Sweden’s strengths and address areas for growth. Join us for an engaging session that highlights Sweden’s research performance, offering a compelling view of how evidence-based approaches can support national and international competitiveness. 

Sweden as a science nation seminar

Why attending

Sweden consistently punches above its weight in research and innovation, supported by the strongest government commitment to date in its latest Research and Innovation Bill. But how does Sweden’s strong position in cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, quantum technologies, and clean energy solutions compare to its international competitors across the EU27, as well as global leaders like the US, China, and Japan? In an increasingly polarized world, how can Sweden navigate challenges to optimize its position on the global stage and make the right strategic choices?  

This seminar in collaboration with STINT will present data-driven findings to inspire a discussion on strategies that leverage Sweden’s strengths and address areas for growth. Join us for an engaging session that highlights Sweden’s research performance, offering a compelling view of how evidence-based approaches can support national and international competitiveness.  

What will the event provide?

Sweden has established itself as a global leader not only in the volume of its research but also in the impact and relevance of its scholarly output. Its commitment to international collaboration has fostered high-quality partnerships that enhance the country’s global standing. As we explore strategies for maintaining and advancing Sweden’s research leadership, we’ll delve into the role of cutting-edge infrastructures, the adoption of transformative technologies, and the contributions of universities in driving regional innovation ecosystems. These ecosystems strengthen Sweden’s national research base while supporting international collaborations that propel global impact.  

This seminar offers a unique opportunity to engage in a critical conversation about the future of Swedish research and innovation. Together, we will reflect on how Sweden can unlock the full potential of its research community and drive meaningful outcomes across borders. We will also discuss how priorities outlined in the Research Bill, combined with a focus on responsible internationalization and research security, can ensure Sweden’s position as a global leader in an era of heightened geopolitical complexity.  


14:00 – 14:30

Welcome Coffee

14:30 – 14:35

Opening Remarks

Andreas Göthenberg, Executive Director, STINT

Federica Rosetta, Vice President, Academic Relations and Public Affairs, EMEA, Elsevier

14:35 – 14:50

Presentation of the Report: Sweden as a Science Nation

Anders Karlsson, Vice President, Academic Relations, APAC, Elsevier

14:55 – 16:00

Keynote Speeches:

- International Collaboration

Andreas Göthenberg, Executive Director, STINT

- Key Technologies

Emil Görnerup, R&I Policy Officer, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

- Impact of Research Infrastructures

Kajsa M. Paulsson, Principal Investigator at Lund University and Vice Director at InfraVis

- Data-Driven Innovation: Local Insights, Global Impact

Federica Rosetta, Vice President, Academic Relations and Public Affairs, EMEA, Elsevier

15:55 – 16:15

Networking Break

16:15 – 17:00

Panel Discussion:

Strengthening Sweden's Position: Strategies for Global Leadership in Research

Johan Lindell, Head of Division, Department of Research Policy, Swedish Research Council

Joakim Appelquist, Vice President and Secretary to the Academy, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

Lars Hultman, Executive Director, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research

Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd, Secretary General, Research!Sweden

Moderator: Andreas Göthenberg, Executive Director, STINT

17:00 – 17:10

Final Remarks


  • Andreas Göthenberg, Executive Director, STINT

  • Federica Rosetta, Vice President, Academic Relations and Public Affairs, EMEA, Elsevier

  • Anders Karlsson, Vice President, Academic Relations, APAC, Elsevier

  • Emil Görnerup, Head of Research and Innovation Policy, Confederation of Swedish Enterprise

  • Kajsa M. Paulsson, Principal Investigator at Lund University and Vice Director at InfraVis

  • Johan Lindell, Head of Division, Department of Research Policy, Swedish Research Council

  • Joakim Appelquist, Vice President and Secretary to the Academy, Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA)

  • Lars Hultman, Executive Director, Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research

  • Anna Nilsson Vindefjärd, Secretary General, Research!Sweden