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To support you in your medical and clinical decisions

The state of the art of your specialty thanks to an innovative digital solution designed to facilitate your daily practice.

Nurse with patient

Essential Medical Content and Resources

Still for clinicalkey now video

In addition, ClinicalKey Now benefits from:

  • Accessibility from your computer or your mobile application

  • The ability to share content with your peers

  • A search engine based on the EMMeT* taxonomy

  • Interactive content for optimized browsing

*EMMeT (Elsevier Medical Merged Taxonomy) : Taxonomie reprenant les principales terminologies médicales (MeSH, SNOMED, CIM-10...). L’indexation des contenus est faite par une équipe médicale dédiée, au niveau local.

Listing all CK Now France functionalities

Additional Essential Medical Content and Resources

Contents adapted to +45 medical specialties, including :

  • General medicine

  • Otolaryngology

  • Anesthesia and Intensive Care

  • Pediatrics

  • Gynecology

  • Urology

  • Ophthalmology