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Shadow Health Undergraduate Product Showcase

Put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience with high-fidelity, screen-based simulations.

See what Shadow Health offers for undergraduate nursing students

In this webinar, you will learn how Shadow Health’s high-fidelity screen-based simulations puts the patient at the forefront of the learning experience. You will meet several of our newest virtual patients and learn how our patented conversation engine builds therapeutic communication and clinical judgment skills. This webinar is intended for nursing faculty, deans & directors.

Shadow Health Undergraduate Product Showcase

A screenshot of the Shadow Health interface where students can communicate with a virtual patient and view health record information.

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Shadow Health Undergraduate Product Showcase

Digital Clinical Experiences™ for undergraduate nursing students

Shadow Health provides a safe, standardized environment for undergraduate nursing students to develop their clinical reasoning skills through realistic interactions with Digital Standardized Patients™.

Elsevier offers 11 undergraduate collections designed to meet your course objectives and prepare your students for the Next Generation NCLEX®.

Talk to our sales team to learn more about Shadow Health

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