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Academic & research operations

Rev up academic and research operations to accelerate your institution's performance and streamline resource allocation for maximum efficiency.

rowing team aerial view

Remove friction from your operations

In a recent survey, only 27% of global academic leaders said they felt well-prepared to retain talent at their institution. Our solutions are designed to help you:

  • Streamline and automate workflows related to faculty and research management; saving time, effort and resource

  • Gain a bird's eye view of expertise and faculty activity to optimize resource allocation

  • Effectively, and equitably, manage faculty and talent – from ‘hire to retire’

80% of academic leaders identified retaining talent as a top priority, yet 27% feel well prepared to do so

Interfolio: Streamline faculty activity tracking for efficient operations

Centralize faculty activity tracking to ensure visibility into ongoing research and administrative activities — so you can manage operations with minimum friction and maximum effectiveness.

Conduct all your academic professional evaluations efficiently and securely online. No more binders, USB drives or risky homegrown solutions.

Pure: Streamline research management to reduce operational burden

Centralize data management, automate workflows and use collaboration tools to streamline research management and resources so you can reduce operational burden and achieve impact faster.

Bring together research information from multiple disparate sources and ensure your data is complete, current and connected.

Scopus: Streamline operations with Scopus integration

Reduce your operational burden by integrating Scopus profiles in your RIMS or FIS to have the most accurate view of your scholarly output per researcher or faculty.

An infographic displaying a breakdown of data on cited references from Scopus, dating back to 1970.

SciVal: Accelerate impact through informed resource allocation

Enrich recruitment, reappointment, promotion and tenure processes with insights from publication and citation data and evidence of broader impact so you can evaluate candidates, make more informed decisions and accelerate the impact of your initiatives.

Accelerate impact of your initiatives with SciVal Topics and Topic Clusters

Browse insights and resources for:

Academic and research leader Discover information that supports strategic decision-making so that your research can flourish, advance society and drive economic growth.

Funders We help funders develop strategies for improving inefficient funding mechanisms, supporting key use cases across the funding workflow.

Researchers Expert guidance and resources to help you advance your research and discovery.

Librarians Tools and resources to enhance your skills, provide library services and advocate within your institution.

woman looking at screen

“To be able to have faculty buy-in to a system which impacts important milestones and processes for them is huge — and I think it’s a testament to the kind of care and quality Interfolio puts into their products.”

Read the full case study opens in new tab/window


Michael McCaw

Associate Director of Academic Appointments at Office of the Provost, New York University

Remove friction from your operations. Contact our sales team to discover how our solutions can benefit your organization.

Man writing on a desk