Portfolio analysis
Create deep insights in your portfolio using fingerprinting technology. Our Fingerprint Engine mines scientific documents and other resources to create an index of weighted terms, known as a Fingerprint™ visualization.
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We help funders develop strategies for improving inefficient funding mechanisms, supporting key use cases across the funding workflow.
Create deep insights in your portfolio using fingerprinting technology. Our Fingerprint Engine mines scientific documents and other resources to create an index of weighted terms, known as a Fingerprint™ visualization.
Enrich data through careful analysis and customized reports which present your institution with data-driven findings through SciVal Analytics. The resulting insights help answer your pressing questions on research management and aid decision-making around funding allocations, research policies and strategies.
SciVal's analytical reports cover focus areas such as:
National research excellence initiatives
National, international and cross-sector collaboration analysis
Return on Investment (ROI) of funded projects
Research landscape studies of specific research themes
Fingerprint Engine: Powers Research Intelligence for institutions & funding bodies
Analytical Services: Actionable, customized research performance and impact analysis