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Artwork formats checklist

Preferred and accepted file formats for artwork submission




Tagged Image File Format (TIFF)


Recommended image format for halftones and bitmaps

Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG)


Recommended image format for halftones

Encapsulated PostScript  (EPS)


Recommended image format for vector-based images (*and embedded images)

Portable Document Format  (PDF)


Recommended format for texts, notes, documents, vector-based images

Microsoft Word


Recommended format for texts, notes, documents

Microsoft Excel


Recommended format, typically charts when used for images, and tables for documents

Microsoft Powerpoint


Recommended format for annotated images


Before you submit your artwork, make sure you can answer "yes" to the following:

  • My files are in the correct format: EPS, PDF, TIFF or JPEG, or Microsoft Office files (Word, PowerPoint, Excel)

  • My color images are provided in the preferred RGB colorspace (unless the journal's guide for authors prescribes otherwise)

  • The physical dimensions of the artwork match the dimensions of the journal to which I am submitting — see Sizing of Artwork

  • The lettering used in the artwork does not vary too much in size — see Sizing of Artwork

  • I have used the recommended file-naming conventions — see File Naming

  • All illustrations are provided as separate files (unless the journal's guide for authors prescribes otherwise)

  • All artwork is numbered according to its sequence in the text

  • Figures, schemes and plates have captions and these are provided on a separate sheet along with the manuscript, in addition, all figures are referred to in the text

  • If required, I have specified the preferred magnification factor of my artwork on the sheet with filenames that accompany the submission

  • All the rights are cleared both for print and electronic publication - view the Elsevier permission guidelines

Figure captions

Submit figure captions with your submission. There are two ways to submit figure captions with your submission:

  1. If the journal provides for a submission item type called "Figure Caption", submit your caption here in the form of a text file

  2. If there is no such submission item type, you should list your figure captions at the end of your manuscript text file