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Conference speaker

Lisa Price


Lisa Price

Research Support Librarian

Virtua Health College of Medicine & Life Sciences of Rowan University

Lisa Price is a Research Support Librarian in the Hope Brings Strength Health Sciences Library of the Rowan-Virtua School of Osteopathic Medicine (SOM), where she has worked since 2001. Her professional focus lies in topics related to research and publication, such as research poster design, manuscript preparation and plagiarism/copyright issues. Related responsibilities include presenting lectures on these topics, serving as the campus representative for the institutional repository, curating a Faculty Bibliography  and providing an editing service for SOM students and faculty. Lisa earned her Master’s in Library & Information Science from Drexel University and was a Reference Librarian in a public library before coming to SOM.  She had previously completed a dual-major BA in Spanish/English (Communications) and spent several years working as a copywriter for a small advertising agency. Some of Lisa’s personal interests include history, open hearth cooking and traveling with her husband of 35+ years.