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Science portal
At Elsevier, we take great pride in being a trusted partner to the communities we serve and in enhancing the customer experience.
To support academic and research-focused professionals, we offer you the Latin America Researcher Success Portal, which includes a calendar for upcoming live presentations, as well as access to webinars and on-demand materials in our resource center.
Join us for a series of exciting events that allow you to connect with experts, colleagues and the latest trends in your field. From conferences to symposiums, our events offer an endless source of knowledge and inspiration.
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Access interactive and enriching webinars that will give you a deep understanding of the most current topics. Our experts will guide you through presentations and discussions that will enrich your perspectives and skills.
Interactive webinars
Fecha y ora: Diciembre 12, 2023, 9:00 am Hora MX/ 10:00 am Hora CO Región: Abierto a todas las regiones Las instituciones y sus investigadores enfrentan una creciente presión para demostrar su valor más allá de sus funciones tradicionales; por ejemplo, sus contribuciones en áreas como la ciencia abierta, el cambio social y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible de la ONU. Al mismo tiempo, hay llamados para mejorar el reconocimiento y los incentivos, así como brindar a los investigadores trayectorias profesionales más justas. |
Elsevier Live 2023 Sesiones de capacitación que te apoyan a potencializar tus conocimientos e investigaciones en las sesiones virtuales progresivas de 2 horas todos los martes. Región Andina, Centroamérica y Caribe Verifica los horarios y las fechas en el enlace de registro. ¡No te pierdas de las últimas sesiones del año! |
Elsevier Virtual 2023 Programa semanal de sesiones virtuales todos los JUEVES que tiene como objetivo mostrar los alcances y la aplicación de nuestras soluciones para apoyar la estrategia de investigación de su institución. Tienes la opción de tomar la misma sesión en el horario de tu preferencia 10:00 am y 3:00 pm (hora CDMX) Región : México Verifique los horarios y las fechas en el enlace de registro. ¡No te pierdas de las últimas sesiones del año! |
Immerse yourself in stimulating conversations with industry leaders and leading professionals. Our Talks will allow you to explore relevant topics and gain a deeper understanding of current challenges and opportunities.
Our Talks
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A program for the dissemination of science, education and technology, which seeks to give visibility to the efforts made by different academic and research institutions for the scientific and technological development of Latin America. You can watch it on Youtube or listen to it on Spotify.
Check out the first and second seasons!
Impacto y evolución de la tecnología en la investigación | Una mirada al futuro Luis Francisco Martínez, Director de Tecnologías de Información de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Dra. Alexandra Pomares, Directora de Investigación de la Pontifica Universidad Javeriana Ver en Youtube opens in new tab/window
A class with the authors!
This is a series of panel discussions, dedicated to delve into the different themes of e-books in the authors' own voices.
The most internationally recognized authors share their works and how they have impacted the solution of social problems in the world.
Check out the last classes of 2023!
Expand your educational horizons with our wide range of online courses. From introductory courses to advanced training, we offer you the tools and resources you need to thrive in your career.
Contribute to the advancement of research and scholarship with the world's leading database of full-text, peer-reviewed scientific, technical and health literature. Our intuitive features make it easy to stay informed.
Find relevant, authoritative research, identify experts and access reliable data, metrics and analytical tools. Advance research, educational objectives, and research direction and priorities from one place.
Visualize your organization’s research performance, benchmark it against peers, and identify emerging research trends with SciVal. Our modular solution offers insights to enrich local knowledge, support research strategy, evaluation, and funding success.
Global regulators view Embase as a source of medical literature. Life science experts use it to obtain relevant and current results based on Emtree's indexing of full-text content and specific search terms.
Life Sciences Consultant Consultant
Read more about María José Dávila-RodríguezDG
ScienceDirect eBooks Client Consultant for Latin America, Africa and Europe
Read more about Christiane FiorinAt Elsevier, we are here to answer your questions and provide you with the information you need. Feel free to contact us through our social media channels or through our sales contact form - we look forward to hearing from you!
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