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Compendex is the database for the coordinated search and discovery of high-quality engineering literature.

Two women with a laptop in a work setting having a discussion

What does Compendex cover?

About Compendex

Compendex entries offer the level of quality, precision, completeness and relevance required for effective and efficient technical literature searches.

  • Carefully selected, curated and indexed before publication using the Ei Thesaurus.

  • Over 29.6 million entries on peer-reviewed technical literature from 190 engineering disciplines.

  • Almost 37,000 entries per week - on articles from journals and conference proceedings, on monographs and dissertations, on norms and standards and, most recently, on preprints.

Engineer holding a tablet


Compendex users can also include preprints in their literature searches on Engineering Village. More than 1.3 million publications from the open access databases arXiv and SSRN (starting in 2017) are already available to interested parties. Preprints from other providers, such as IEEE Xplore and Springer Nature's Research Square, will follow shortly. Using the 'Document type' filter - which also includes other document types such as 'Norms and standards', 'Conferences', etc. - preprints can be quickly and easily included in or excluded from searches.

Image of Compendex and preprints

Disciplines and specialist areas covered by Compendex

Aerospace engineering

Agricultural Engineering

Applied Physics

Automotive Engineering

Biology and Bioengineering

Management and Industry

Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Civil Engineering

Computer Science

Civil Engineering

Control engineering

Electrical Engineering

Electronics and Communication

Engineering geology

Food science and food technology

Fuel technology

Health and medical technology

Heat, thermodynamics and fluid mechanics

Instrumentation and measurement

Light and optical technology

Materials research

Mechanical engineering

Metallurgical engineering, metals and alloys

Mining technology

Nanotechnology and related fields

Shipbuilding and marine technology

Ocean and underwater technology

Petroleum engineering

Pollution, sanitary and environmental engineering

Energy technology

Process and production engineering

Railroad engineering

Sound and acoustic engineering


Water and waterworks

Origin & scope of the entries

Origin of the entries

Millions of high quality entries from

  • 190 engineering disciplines

  • 89 countries


  • 2,684 publishers

  • 12 standardization organizations


  • 4,010 scientific journals

  • 339 open access journals

  • 222 trade journals

  • 2,120 newspapers and magazines

  • 151,540 conference proceedings

  • 157 book series

Young man at a library holding books

Scope of the entries


  • 1.74 million entries from 1884 to 1969 (Ei Backfile)

  • 27.5 million entries from 1970 onwards (Ei Compendex)

including more than

  • 19.0 million journal entries

  • 11.0 million conference proceedings entries

  • 5.3 million open access entries

  • 225,000 entries on technical norms and standards

  • 39,000 entries on monographs

  • 352,905 entries on dissertations

  • 1.3 million entries on preprints

of which

  • 6.5 million entries with funding information search index

  • 8.6 million entries with numerical data search index (for 62 physical properties)

  • and several million entries with chemical search index

Protection hat, glasses a calculator and papers on top of a table

Compendex at Engineering Village

Compendex is the database flagship of Engineering Village, the database platform for engineers to search and find high-quality technical literature. Prospective and experienced engineers from all disciplines will find the right literature to answer their technical questions - whether they are theoretical or practical, fundamental or complex problems. Via a single interface, Engineering Village provides them quickly and easily with the overview of currently available technical literature that they actually need: limited to the technical literature specifically relevant to their question. This is made possible, not least, by the numerous features - in addition to Compendex, other technically relevant databases such as Inspec and Ei Patents are connected to the platform - and fine-grained search tools of Engineering Village. They all help users to better understand what they have found and to integrate it into their own research and project work more effectively and efficiently than before.

Screenshot of quick search functionality on Engineering Village

Discover Engineering Village

Ei Backfile

With over 1.74 million entries - digital copies of the 85 printed volumes of the Engineering Index first published in 1884 - the archive file Engineering Index Backfile offers its users a comprehensive, historical overview of all relevant technical publications published up to 1969. In combination with the Ei Compendex database, which continues the inventory digitally since 1970, Ei Backfile provides its users with a worldwide unique insight and overview of the engineering literature of the last 138 years. Ei Backfile and Ei Compendex are available exclusively on Engineering Village.

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