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We are dedicated to supporting you with our trusted tailored resources to help your students excel in the UK Medical Licensing Assessment. From digital tools to books take a look at our resources for UKMLA success.

Senior female lecturer assists medical students

The UKMLA exam is here

At Elsevier we are continuously updating our products for effective exam preparation and to give students practice ready confidence.

ClinicalKey Student Assessment

An online question bank focusing on clinical medicine, tailored specifically for UK medical students preparing for their exams.

Precision learning:

  • Over 9,700 questions - 3500 basic science and 6,200 clinical-organised by systems disciplines and competencies.

Tailored educational experience:

  • Questions categorised by difficulty and cognitive levels based on Bloom's taxonomy, ensuring the content meets every learner's needs.

Exclusive visual library:

  • Enhanced questions with diverse Elsevier images — radiographs, patient images, plus ophthalmology and dermatology pictures found nowhere else.

Consult your librarian to find out if your institution has access to ClinicalKey Student Assessment or to find out more contact us here

How does ClinicalKey Student Assessment benefit students prepping for exams?

Our learning platform focuses on empowering students to excel in their exams by addressing high-error areas and commonly tested topics.

Our approach is based on comprehensive psychometric data analysis, ensuring that we prioritise the subjects that students struggle with the most.

By identifying these challenging areas, we tailor our questions specifically to help studentsovercome their weaknesses and achieve better exam results.

Screenshot of ClinicalKey Student Assessment

Alignment to UK management guidelines

All questions in our question banks are meticulously reviewed by a team of editors to ensure that the answers and rationales provided are specific to UK guidelines based on NICE, Elsevier textbooks, and other reputable sources. This guarantees that our material stays accurate, up-to-date, and in line with the exam answers expected within the UK healthcare system.

In-depth coverage of the curriculum

Developed by subject matter experts, our question banks offer an extensive range of questions encompassing the entire scope of the UK medical school curriculum. The question banks complement your core curriculum, providing students with a well-rounded and comprehensive understanding of the subject matter. By incorporating our resources into their study plan, students gain insight into current UK healthcare trends, concerns, and best practices, further enhancing their medical education.

Continuous updates and expert review

Our dedicated Editorial Board continually updates and refines the questions to reflect the latest changes to the UK clinical guidelines and management practices. This commitment to accuracy means that you can trust our resources to support students’ exam preparation effectively and efficiently.

Strict adherence to the UKMLA exam requirements

Each question in our focused question banks adheres meticulously to the content guidelines of the exam. Practicing with the ClinicalKey Student Assessment question bank allows students to become accustomed to the UKMLA exam-style questions, hone their second-order multi-step question-tackling ability, and maximize their performance in exams.

ClinicalKey Student has learning materials for each condition laid out in the GMC’s content map for the UKMLA. Download our booklet containing live links to each condition.

Our latest UKMLA mapped titles

Medicine in a Day Series

Reach for Medicine in a Day when you need to study efficiently.

Prepared by a unique combination of authors – including early career stage doctors still close to what is required for exam success, expert educators and senior specialists – Medicine in a Day provides the trusted information your students need most when time is short.

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