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Scopus Awards Kazakhstan 2023

Recognizing research excellence of Kazakh Researchers

In acknowledgment of the valuable contributions made by Kazakh researchers to the research landscape in Kazakhstan, the Committee of Science of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is proud to announce a collaborative partnership with Elsevier, a renowned global leader in research publishing and information analytics, for the prestigious Elsevier Research Excellence Awards ceremony.

Scopus Awards Kazakhstan 2023 Winners

Nazarbayev University Nomination: Societal Impact of Research: Natural Sciences, Engineering & Technical Sciences, Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities

Al Farabi Kazakh National University Nomination: Societal Impact of Research: Medical Sciences and Agricultural Sciences

Kazakh National Agrarian University Nomination: Societal Impact of Research: Agricultural Sciences

Yessirkegenov, Nurgissa Amankeldiuli Affiliation: Institute of Mathematics and Mathematical Modeling Nomination: Analysis (Mathematics)

Usmanova, Emma Radikovna Affiliation: Buketov Karagandy University Nomination: Archeology (Social Sciences, Arts & Humanities)

Gabdullin, Maratbek Tulebergenovich Affiliation: Kazakh-British Technical University Nomination: Fuel Technology (Energy)

Togizov, Kuanysh Serikhanovich Affiliation: Satbayev University Nomination: Geology (Earth and Planetary Sciences)

Zdorovets, Maxim Vladimirovich Affiliation: Institute of Nuclear Physics Nomination: Nuclear and High Energy Physics (Physics and Astronomy)

Issayeva, Akmaral Umirbekovna Affiliation: Shymkent University Nomination: General Environmental Science

Kuterbekov, Kairat A. Affiliation: L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University Nomination: Materials Science

Eurasian Mathematical Journal Nomination: Contributing to World-Class Research

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a state body implementing leadership in the field of higher and postgraduate education, language policy, science, quality assurance in the field of science, higher and postgraduate education, digitalization of science, higher and postgraduate education.

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