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21 February 2025
I am Dr. Carl Decker, a board certified diagnostic radiologist for 20 years. I am currently a general radiologist with an interest in mammography.
Before using ClinicalKey AI, what was your perception of the use of AI in healthcare? Have you previously used any AI tools in your workflow?
I was excited at the prospect of using AI in the work setting. As a mammographer I have used CAD and AI based software for some time as a tool in interpreting mammograms; before ClinicalKey AI, I used ChatGPT and a specially designed bot for radiology.
Getting references was my biggest challenge. ClinicalKey AI's link to references and the availability of the articles is KEY to my subscription to your service.
CME is great! Article links are excellent. Answers are well tailored. I would say I am reaching differential diagnoses quicker using ClinicalKey AI but this is less important to me than the links/references.
I use ClinicalKey AI most days. It helps me to hone my differential diagnoses on several cases each day.
Strongly consider the superior nature of ClinicalKey AI given CME, links to articles and tailored answers. ClinicalKey AI helps to consider differentials that you might otherwise overlook.
Annual. It was on sale around Christmas.
ClinicalKey AI Discovery Insights - Dr. Carl Decker
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