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Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Süha Süreyya Özbek, Chairperson of the Department of Radiology Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey

Dr. Süha Süreyya Özbek, Chairperson of the Department of Radiology Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey

9 August 2022

Please briefly describe who you are and your institution.

I am Prof.Dr. Süha Süreyya Özbek, Chairperson of the Department of Radiology in Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Radiology department.

What are your key challenges in accessing evidence-based information in your daily role?

As the major imaging department of a university hospital with 1800 beds, our department with nearly 50 radiologists and 130 healthcare personnel, took primary responsibility in the fight against the most serious health problems encountered recently, due to COVID-19.

With the unprecedented arrival of COVID-19 into our society, how are you using ClinicalKey & STATdx at the front line to help you treat your patients more effectively?

The aforementioned Elsevier products provided us not only with the most current clinical knowledge about pandemics, but also other easily accessible, evidence-based, and most recent information on the ongoing research activities on other medical subjects.

What’s the primary reason that you would recommend ClinicalKey & STATdx?

The Elsevier information support systems were utilized very intensively by our professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic to access content.

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Süha Süreyya Özbek, Chairperson of the Department of Radiology Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey

Step forward: STATdx - Dr. Süha Süreyya Özbek, Chairperson of the Department of Radiology Ege University Faculty of Medicine, Izmir, Turkey

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