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Advancing research and insights

Scientific research and the exchange of knowledge are critical to finding solutions to the challenges around climate change. We are committed to supporting evidence-led decision making, policies and action with data, content and insights generated by our products and services.

Supporting research and innovation

Scientific journals, underpinned by peer-review and editorial independence, help advance evidence-based, verified knowledge that supports better understanding of both interrelated issues and potential solutions related to climate change. We continually grow our portfolio of journals dedicated to climate change research and renewable energy. By the end of 2023, we had 160 journals dedicated to environmental sciences, renewable and clean energy, with new journal launches planned.  

Our journals on sustainability include: One Earth se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana , Nexus se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana , Joule se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana , Cell Reports Sustainability,  se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventanaCurrent Research in Environmental Sustainability se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, Energy and Climate Change se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana

Journal titles: Joule, One Earth and The Lancet

Using data led insights to drive action

When it comes to meeting the challenges around sustainability, climate change and the environment, data is one of the most powerful tools we have. Through data analysis, we help institutions and policy makers take informed decisions around making the most impact. Our insight reports draw from millions of academic papers on our scientific platforms and help to explore emerging trends and opportunities to maximize the impact of research.

Person in outdoor garden using tablet to analyze crops

Connecting science to policy

Evidence-based policy making is essential in tackling the effects of climate change and our books and journals provide forums for researchers and experts to discuss climate related issues. We are taking this important connection further, convening top sustainability experts and providing policymakers with access to high quality evidence to help communicate sustainability-related research.

Female scientist looking at chemistry flask

The Lancet Countdown on health and climate change

Published annually, the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change is an international, multidisciplinary collaboration, dedicated to monitoring the evolving health impact of climate change, and providing an independent assessment of the delivery of commitments made by governments worldwide under the Paris Agreement. All content on the Countdown site is either Open Access or has been made free to read with registration.

“Safeguarding people's health in climate policies will require the leadership, integrity, and commitment of the health community. With its science-driven approach, this community is uniquely positioned to ensure that decision makers are held accountable, and foster human-centred climate action that safeguards human health above all else. The ambitions of the Paris Agreement are still achievable, and a prosperous and healthy future still lies within reach. But the concerted efforts and commitments of health professionals, policy makers, corporations, and financial institutions will be needed to ensure the promise of health-centred climate action becomes a reality that delivers a thriving future for all.” - Lancet Climate Countdown 2023 Executive Summary

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