Carolina Consortium and Elsevier Announce Transformative Read-and-Publish Agreement
28 de enero de 2025
Carolina Consortium partners with Elsevier to advance open access publishing and enhance research visibility through a Read and Publish agreement
Elsevier, a global leader in scientific information and analytics, and The Carolina Consortium se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, a leading advocate for academic collaboration and access to knowledge, are pleased to announce a new Read and Publish (R&P) agreement for 2025. The three-year agreement underscores the Consortium’s commitment to empowering its member institutions with seamless access to scholarly content and sustainable publishing options.
The proposed agreement will enable 17 participating institutions to access the latest high quality scientific content while supporting authors in publishing their work open access, fostering greater visibility and impact of their research. This hybrid model aligns with the global transition toward open access, promoting equitable knowledge dissemination and innovation.
Jenn Brosek, Co-Leader, Carolina Consortium, said: "We are excited to start a Read & Publish Deal with Elsevier. This is a fantastic opportunity for our research to be published without the stress of APC transactions. We look forward to the next three years for our user communities to continue being served by these resources and for lessened financial barriers to publishing. It was a great experience working with our Elsevier team and we look forward to continued partnership in the years to come."
James Tonna, VP Research Sales, Americas at Elsevier, added: “We are excited about the potential of this agreement to drive research impact and accessibility; this partnership demonstrates our shared commitment to supporting researchers and ensuring the sustainability of scholarly publishing.”
Greg Raschke, Senior Vice Provost and Director of Libraries at North Carolina State University, said: "We are excited to have the Carolina Consortium and Elsevier come together on an agreement that meets the collective needs of our diverse member libraries while expanding options for our researchers to make their work openly available. This agreement represents some of the major benefits achieved by the Carolina Consortium by collaborating at a broad scale."
About the Carolina Consortium
The Carolina Consortium, established in 2004, is a collaborative partnership among academic institutions in North Carolina and South Carolina. It facilitates collective purchasing of electronic resources, enabling member institutions to access a wide array of scholarly materials at reduced costs. By leveraging group negotiations, the Consortium enhances resource availability and fosters academic collaboration across the region. Find out more here. se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana
Acerca de Elsevier
Como líder mundial en información y análisis científicos, Elsevier ayuda a los investigadores y profesionales de la salud a hacer avanzar la ciencia y mejorar los resultados de salud en beneficio de la sociedad. Lo hacemos facilitando conocimientos y la toma de decisiones críticas con soluciones innovadoras basadas en contenido confiable y basado en evidencia y tecnologías digitales avanzadas habilitadas por IA. Hemos apoyado el trabajo de nuestras comunidades de investigación y atención médica durante más de 140 años. Nuestros 9500 empleados en todo el mundo, incluidos 2300 tecnólogos, se dedican a apoyar a investigadores, bibliotecarios, líderes académicos, financiadores, gobiernos, empresas intensivas en I+D, médicos, enfermeras, futuros profesionales de la salud y educadores en su trabajo crítico. Nuestras 2900 revistas científicas y libros de referencia icónicos incluyen los títulos más importantes en sus campos, incluidos Cell Press, The Lancet y Gray's Anatomy. Junto con Elsevier Foundation se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, trabajamos en asociación con las comunidades a las que servimos para promover la inclusión y la diversidad en la ciencia, la investigación y la atención médica en los países en desarrollo y en todo el mundo. Elsevier es parte de RELX, un proveedor global de herramientas de toma de decisiones y análisis basados en información para clientes profesionales y comerciales. Para obtener más información sobre nuestro trabajo, soluciones digitales y contenido, visite

Andrew Davis
Vicepresidente de Comunicaciones Corporativas, Europa
+44 7393 242466
Correo electrónico Andrew Davis