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Press release

Elsevier Health expands access to ClinicalKey AI to individual medical residents and physicians

8 de octubre de 2024

ClinicalKey AI is a leading clinical decision support solution that offers the latest evidence-based clinical information at the point of care. The AI-powered solution answers clinical questions – from simple to complex - enabling reliable and secure access to some of the world’s most trusted medical content in most locations or settings

Elsevier Health se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, a global leader in medical information and data analytics, today announced the expansion of ClinicalKey AI to individual medical residents and physicians across the US to better support clinical decision-making at the point of care.

Access to trusted, evidence-based medical information is of the utmost importance to time-pressed physicians. ClinicalKey AI, now available to individual residents and physicians through a monthly or annual subscription, addresses this challenge by leveraging a sophisticated conversational search interface to deliver accurate, succinct clinical information. The solution has been designed to provide high-quality curated content and constantly refreshed evidence-based research to help physicians make clinical decisions and improve the patient experience.

The expansion of ClinicalKey AI is based on valuable feedback from physicians who are keen to utilize AI tools in a responsible manner. In Elsevier’s 2024 Insights Toward AI Report, which includes the latest insights from nearly 3,000 researchers and clinicians, 96% of clinicians believe AI will help accelerate knowledge discovery and 88% believe AI will help increase work quality overall.

Louise Chang, MD, Global VP, Digital Content Strategy and Partnerships, Elsevier Health said: "Physicians continue to face challenges with resource constraints, time pressure and data overload and we aim to address these challenges by simplifying their access to relevant, evidence-based information through an AI tool they can trust. ClinicalKey AI is a fast and easy clinical support tool that brings together best-in class content with technology enabling a new level of accessibility to information and insights.”

For more than two decades, Elsevier has been using AI and machine learning technologies in combination with our world-class peer-reviewed content and extensive data sets to create solutions that help the research, life sciences and healthcare communities be more effective every day

To learn more about ClinicalKey AI, please click here se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana.

About Elsevier Health

For more than 140 years, Elsevier has supported the work of researchers and healthcare professionals by providing current, evidence-based information that can help empower students and clinicians to provide the best healthcare possible. Growing from our roots, Elsevier Health applies innovation, facilitates insights, and helps drive more informed decision-making for our customers across global health. We support health providers by providing accessible, trusted evidence-based information to take on the infodemic; prepare more future health professionals with effective tools and resources; provide insights that help clinicians improve patient outcomes; deliver healthcare that is truly inclusive; and supports a more personalized and localized healthcare experience.

Diversity and inclusion are the foundation of our innovation, and our teams are committed to creating education and practice solutions that reflect the diversity of our world. Elsevier Health is helping lay the groundwork for more equitable healthcare worldwide. We bring the same rigor to our digital information solutions as we do to our publishing, allowing us to offer knowledge and valuable analytics that help our users make breakthroughs and drive progress for the benefit of every patient.

Acerca de Elsevier

Como líder mundial en información y análisis científicos, Elsevier ayuda a los investigadores y profesionales de la salud a hacer avanzar la ciencia y mejorar los resultados de salud en beneficio de la sociedad. Lo hacemos facilitando conocimientos y la toma de decisiones críticas con soluciones innovadoras basadas en contenido confiable y basado en evidencia y tecnologías digitales avanzadas habilitadas por IA. Hemos apoyado el trabajo de nuestras comunidades de investigación y atención médica durante más de 140 años. Nuestros 9500 empleados en todo el mundo, incluidos 2300 tecnólogos, se dedican a apoyar a investigadores, bibliotecarios, líderes académicos, financiadores, gobiernos, empresas intensivas en I+D, médicos, enfermeras, futuros profesionales de la salud y educadores en su trabajo crítico. Nuestras 2900 revistas científicas y libros de referencia icónicos incluyen los títulos más importantes en sus campos, incluidos Cell Press, The Lancet y Gray's Anatomy. Junto con Elsevier Foundation se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana, trabajamos en asociación con las comunidades a las que servimos para promover la inclusión y la diversidad en la ciencia, la investigación y la atención médica en los países en desarrollo y en todo el mundo. Elsevier es parte de RELX, un proveedor global de herramientas de toma de decisiones y análisis basados ​​en información para clientes profesionales y comerciales. Para obtener más información sobre nuestro trabajo, soluciones digitales y contenido, visite


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+1 908 323-9180

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