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Elsevier condemns Russian invasion of Ukraine

25 de marzo de 2022

Por Elsevier Connect contributors

Image of Ukraine Flag

Elsevier condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine and joins the call for an immediate cease fire to protect civilians and restore peace. We stand with the people of Ukraine and have been focused on supporting our colleagues and the research and healthcare communities we serve that are impacted by this humanitarian crisis.

We have stopped all sales of our products and services in Russia and Belarus; we are now in the process of winding down our operations and closing our offices in Russia.

Together with our sister companies, we have donated $1 million to the UNICEF Ukraine Appealse abre en una nueva pestaña/ventanaRed Crossse abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana and other aid organizations in Ukraine and bordering countries to support efforts to provide immediate protection and medical and emergency supplies. There is an outpouring of support from our colleagues and we are also matching their individual donations. Additionally, we are making our products freely available to medical students, nurses and clinicians in Ukraine to help them continue their vital work.

See here se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventanafor a collective statement by scientific publishers, including Elsevier, condemning the invasion of Ukraine.


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