Editors' Update - supporting editors, every step of the way.

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9 de junio de 2016
Por Verity J. Brown
Your contributions as a reviewer are important milestones on your path to becoming an editor
Establishing a reputation as a valuable reviewer earns you a special place in the community of a journal. When new members of the Editorial Board are being considered, the editor is very likely to first consider people who have served the journal well, as both a well-cited author and a valuable reviewer. Find out what makes you a valuable reviewer in the eyes of editors and how that can advance your career in research.
Based on an earlier article entitled From early career researcher to Editor-in-Chief in 5 steps, we invited Professor Verity J Brown to give a presentation on How Reviewers become Editors.
This is available online via the Publishing Campus.
Book Cover of 'How Reviewers become Editors'
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University of St Andrews