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Emiliiano Cortés


Emiliiano Cortés

LMU Munich, Germany

Emiliano is a Professor of Experimental Physics and Energy Conversion at LMU Munich, leading the Nanomaterials for Energy se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana group. He is also a visiting researcher at Tianjin University in China and Imperial College London. A co-founder of the start-up Nano-detection and current CSO of INSyT Technologies, Emiliano has received multiple European Commission awards, including ERC grants for his projects CATALIGHT and SURFLIGHT. Named an Emerging Investigator by the Royal Society of Chemistry, he ranks among the top 1,000 most-cited researchers in nanoscience. Emiliano se abre en una nueva pestaña/ventana has published over 140 articles, holds four patents, and serves on editorial boards for top scientific journals.