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 Frances Ligler


Frances Ligler

Texas A&M; University, USA

Frances S. Ligler is the Eppright Chair and Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Texas A&M Universityand an elected member and Councillor of the National Academy of Engineering. Before 2013, she was the Senior Scientist for Biosensors and Biomaterials at the US Naval Research Laboratory.

Fran earned both a D.Phil. and a D.Sc. from Oxford University and has honorary doctorates from the Agricultural University of Athens in Greece, and Furman University in South Carolina. Currently working in the fields of biosensors, tissue-on-chip, and microfluidics, she has over 400 full-length publications and patents, which have led to eleven commercial biosensor products and have been cited ~18,000 times with H=76 (GS). She is a Fellow of SPIE, AIMBE, AAAS and the National Academy of Inventors, a 2017 inductee into the US National Inventors Hall of Fame, and winner of both the Presidential Rank of Distinguished Senior Professional conferred by President Bush and the Presidential Rank of Meritorious Senior Professional conferred by President Obama.