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Harry Rutter


Harry Rutter

University of Bath, UK

Harry Rutter is professor of global public health at the University of Bath. He was founder director of the English National Obesity Observatory; led the establishment of the English National Child Measurement Programme; chaired the UK NICE group on guidance on walking and cycling; chairs the Faculty of Public Health Academic and Research Committee; co-chaired the SAGE EMG subgroup during the COVID-19 pandemic, and attended the UK Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE).

He co-chairs the Lancet-Chatham House Commission on population health post COVID-19, and is a Commissioner on the EASL Lancet Commission on liver disease. He has advised WHO Euro and headquarters on topics including transport, physical activity, obesity, environment, and health. His research is focused on effective, sustainable and equitable mechanisms for improving the research, policy and practice responses to major complex systems problems in public health.