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Hiroshi Amekura


Hiroshi Amekura

National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Japan

Hiro Amekura is currently a Chief Researcher in National Institute of Materials Science (NIMS), Japan. He received B.Sc. (1989), M.Sc. (1991) from the University of Tokyo, and Ph.D. (1999) from Tsukuba University, Japan. From 1997 to 1998, he was a guest scientist in Forschungszentrum Juelich, Germany. His current interests cover ion-solid interactions with exotic ion beams such as swift heavy ions, cluster ions, etc., and the synthesis and modifications of nanostructures by ion beams. He has been involved in the organization of major conferences in ion beam technology and materials society, such as IU-MRS, MRS-Japan, Radiation Effects in Insulators (REI), Atomic Collisions in Solids/ Swift Heavy Ion in Matter (ICACS/SHIM). In 2019, he has received the contribution award from MRS-Japan society for “the materials research for thirty years utilizing ion beams.”