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Jing Fang


Jing Fang

Institute for Health Sciences, Kunming Medical University, China

Talk Title: Collaboration in One Health: challenges and the way forward

Jing Fang earned her PhD at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex University, UK in 2006. She is a senior professor and the director at Institute for Health Sciences, Kunming Medical University, China. In the last three decades, she has undertaken interdisciplinary research on a wide range of health-related topics including reproductive health, governance and accountability of health system, agricultural intensification and health, antibiotics use and global health. During 2006-2009 she worked at the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD), an independent intergovernmental organization based on Kathmandu, Nepal, as an EcoHealth/One Health specialist. From 2012 onward, she joined several experts in Southeast Asia countries to work on a multi-country and multi-component EcoHealth program entitled “Field Building Leadership Initiative—advancing EcoHealth in Southeast Asia”. In 2014, she was given the award “Outstanding Contribution to the Field of EcoHealth” by the International Association for Ecology and Health. She was a member of the Gender and Rights Advisory Panel (GAP), WHO (2011-2013) and a member of the Scientific Working Group of Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropic Diseases (TDR), UNICEF/UNDP/World Bank/WHO (2013-2020), and currently a member of Guidelines Development Group (GDG) of global malari Programme of WHO (2021-present).