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Conference speaker

Marianne Bronner


Marianne Bronner

California Institute of Technology, USA

Talk Title: Gene regulatory landscape mediating neural crest identity along the body axis

Marianne Bronner is a developmental biologist who studies the development and evolution of neural crest cells, a stem cell population that is unique to vertebrates. In particular, her lab has been systematically studying the gene regulatory network responsible for neural crest formation and evolutionary origin, using embryos from diverse animals including lamprey, zebrafish, chick and mouse. 

She received her ScB in Biophysics from Brown University and then a PhD in Biophysics from Johns Hopkins University.  Bronner assumed her first faculty position at the University of California, Irvine, before moving to Caltech in 1996. Honors include the Harrison Medal from the International Society for Developmental Biology (2022), Conklin Medal from The Society for Developmental Biology (2013), Women in Cell Biology Senior Award from the American Society for Cell Biology (2012), as well as several teaching and mentoring awards from her institution. She was elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2009 and the National Academy of Sciences in 2015.